{Release Blitz & Giveaway} One True Thing by Lynne Jaymes

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Title: One True Thing

Author: Lynne Jaymes

Release Date: May 29, 2014




Can one true thing save a love built on lies?

“That was all before…” Jenna waves her hand in the air, but we both know what she means. Before I touched her in the most intimate places. Before I felt her shudder under my tongue. Before she tasted the salt on my skin. Before I promised a lot more than I could deliver.

Ty Branch has wanted one thing his entire life—to play professional baseball. When he gets a chance to move from San Francisco to play at Texas powerhouse Garvin State University, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to make his dream come true, even if that means hiding his past. But when he meets dance major Jenna Taylor, the chemistry is so strong his single-minded quest begins to weaken. As he gets to know her quirky, small-town family, he falls more deeply

in love, but becomes even more sure he can never tell her the truth about his family. When a surprise visitor blows his past wide-open, Ty is forced to come to terms with his secrets. But is the damage already done with Jenna or can he find a way to sacrifice everything he’s worked for in order to win back the heart of a once-in-a-lifetime love?



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“I’m glad it was you at the bar tonight Ty,” Jenna says, looking up at me.

I glance down at the worn, grey carpet. “I’m glad it was you too. I’ve wanted to talk to you all year.” What am I doing here? I should tell her goodnight and walk away instead of standing here sounding like a teenager at the prom.

“Really?” She looks like she’s trying decide if that’s just a line. “Why didn’t you?”

I look back down and Jenna bites her bottom lip just slightly in a way that’s both innocent and undeniably sexy.

“I just…” I can’t look at her anymore, so I pull my eyes away and stare down the empty hallway. Why haven’t I spoken to her in almost seven months? Because I’ve spent that time becoming someone new and I can’t wreck all of that hard work. Because I’d have to tell her about all of the things that I’ve kept hidden from everyone if we got involved. Because I’d have to be honest with her—and right now I can’t be honest with anyone. “It’s complicated.”

“Oh,” she says vaguely and I know she doesn’t understand. How could she? Jenna puts the key in her door. “Do you want to come in for a minute? I’ve got a couple of beers in the fridge.”

I glance at my own front door down the hall. The one I should be walking through right about now. “I should go…”

There’s no denying the disappointment in her eyes when she looks at me and it’s painful to know what I could have if I just take that one step forward.

“Okay,” Jenna says. She stands up on tiptoes and bends toward me, her lips grazing my cheek. My head is filled with the soft, powdery scent of her mixed with something deeper and sexier. “Thanks for the ride.” She lifts one finger and draws it down my neck slowly and that’s all it takes for me to lose every ounce of my resolve.

Before I can think about what I’m doing, I bend down and kiss her so hard that I feel the breath leave my body as I press her up against the door and lace her fingers through my own. I’m starting to get lost in the kiss when the reality of what I’m doing hits me.

“I’m sorry,” I say, taking a step back from her. The taste of her is still on my lips and I want more, so much more, but I can’t. It’s not right.

“Don’t be,” she says, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer.

But I resist, glancing away because I know if I look into her eyes I’ll lose every ounce of willpower I’m trying to summon. I can’t believe I’m about to undo everything I’ve put together these past few months. But Jenna is right here in front of me and she deserves to know the truth. “Listen…there are some things you don’t know about me…”

She looks into my eyes and I’m caught. “An STD?” she says boldly.

I wince. “No.”

“A felony? A girlfriend? A baby?”

I can’t help but laugh. In light of her guesses, maybe it’s not such a big deal. “No. Nothing like that.”

She grabs both of my hands and pulls me to her and every shred of resolve melts away. “Then I don’t care.”


About the Author

Lynne Jaymes

Lynne Jaymes is a life-long reader and accidental writer living in Northern California. She writes contemporary fiction that is sometimes funny, sometimes sexy and always from the heart. Although this is not her first venture into writing – Lynne is traditionally published in another genre under another name – she loves the indie world for the freedom it gives her to write the stories that call to her, the ones that mean the most and the ones that editors have said would never sell. ONE TRUE THING is the adaptation of the first book she ever wrote and the story is one that is close to her family and has lived deep in her soul for years. She is also the co-author of the second book in the UNFILTERED Series, UNFILTERED & UNKNOWN. Keep up with Lynne at www.lynnejaymes.com or on Facebook and Twitter.



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{Release Blitz & Giveaway} Holding Aces (The Kingdom, #1) by Nikki Groom


Title: Holding Aces (The Kingdom #1)

Author: Nikki Groom

Release Date: May 29th 2014

Genre: Adult contemporary romance




They say that time heals all wounds.
But mine are set in so deeply, they’ve taken on a life of their own, lurking in the shadows at every turn and haunting my thoughts.

The girl I once was has been replaced by a stranger.
I don’t even know who I am anymore.

I run.
And I hide.
Pretending to be someone I’m not…

Until I meet Denham King.
My burst of color in an otherwise grey world.
And for the first time in my life, I find myself running towards someone instead of running away.

But fate can be cruel,
and I can’t escape my past.
Can I?


**Holding Aces is part one of a two part Adult Contemporary Romance series that contains mature sexual content and language and is not intended for readers under the age of 18.**




The ding sounds on the elevator, bringing me back to reality from my daydream and when the doors open, I instinctively step forward, my feet thinking before my brain, and walk straight into the person exiting. My hands fly up to correct myself, landing on a hard, wide, chest, and I look up to apologize.

Time stops.

I take in the features of the very cute guy in front of me. Wrong. Cute is not the word I’d use to describe him. I don’t think I’ve ever seen this kind of handsome and I lived in freakin’ LA. This guy is not botoxed or surgically sculpted, but he is chiseled—all natural. There’s something…just something…

His hands grasp my shoulders to steady me, strong but gentle at the same time. He must be about 6’2 as he stands a head above me, and is dressed in a slate gray suit, with a crisp white shirt which is unbuttoned twice, giving me just a peek of his flesh at my eye level. As my gaze slowly travels upwards, I notice his dark hair is damp and falls gently across his forehead.

His lips curl into a sexy little grin, and that simple movement breaks the trance-like state I seem to have put myself in. I blink twice and shake my head.


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About the Author


Nikki Groom is a hopeless romantic, lover of all things happily ever after and firm believer that love makes the world go around.
In her spare time, you will find Nikki laughing with her very treasured family, walking with her beloved dog in the hundred acre wood or curled up in a cosy corner with words and wine.
She lives in East Sussex with her husband and two children. Having turned her hand to many things over the years, Nikki is now proud to add ‘author’ to that list.
Having always been a dreamer, Nikki’s imagination stretches far and wide, which enables her to get lost in faraway places and imaginary people.

Nikki loves to chat, especially about books! You can find her here…

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{Cover Reveal & Giveaway} Keep Me (Twist Me, #2) by Anna Zaires

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Title: Keep Me (Twist Me, #2)

Author: Anna Zaires

Genre: Dark Erotic Novel

Release Date: September 30, 2014

Cover Design by Eden Crane Designs




Abducted at eighteen. Held captive for 15 months.


It reads like one of those headlines. And yes, I did it. I stole her. Nora, with her long dark hair and silky skin. She’s my weakness, my obsession.

I’m not a good man. I never pretended to be one. She can love me, but she can’t change me.

I can, however, change her.

My name is Julian Esguerra, and Nora is mine to keep.


***Keep Me is the sequel to Twist Me, told from Nora & Julian’s POV.***



Julian’s POV

“Are you all right?” There is a concerned expression on Nora’s face as she reaches up to touch the area above my left ear. Her slender fingers are gentle on my scalp. “Does it still hurt?”

Her touch sends pleasure streaking down my spine. I want this from her. I want her to care about my well-being. I want her to love me even though I stole her freedom—even though, by all rights, she should hate me.

I have no illusions about myself. I’m one of those men they show on the news—the ones that everyone fears and despises. I took a young woman because I wanted her and for no other reason.

I took her and I made her mine.

I make no excuses for my actions. I feel no guilt either. I wanted Nora, and now she’s here with me, looking at me like I’m the most important person in her world.

And I am. I am exactly what she needs now . . . what she craves. I will give her everything, and I will take everything from her in return. Her body, her mind, her devotion—I want it all. I want her pain and her pleasure, her fear and her joy.

I want to be her entire life.

“No, it’s fine,” I say in response to her earlier question. “It’s almost healed.”

She pulls her fingers away, and I catch her hand, not ready to forego the pleasure of her touch. Her hand is slim and delicate in my grasp, her skin soft and warm. She tries to tug it away reflexively, but I don’t let her, my fingers tightening around her small palm. Her strength is insignificant compared to mine; she can’t make me release her unless I chose to let her go.

She doesn’t really want me to let her go, anyway. I can feel the excitement rising within her, and my body hardens, a dark hunger awakening within me again. Reaching across the table, I slowly and purposefully unbuckle her safety belt.

Then I stand up, still holding her hand, and lead her to the bedroom at the back of the airplane.


Twist Me (Twist Me, #1)


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About the Author


Anna Zaires fell in love with books at the age of five, when her grandmother taught her to read. She wrote her first story shortly thereafter. Since then, she has always lived partially in a fantasy world where the only limits were those of her imagination. Currently residing in Florida, Anna is happily married to Dima Zales (a science fiction and fantasy author) and closely collaborates with him on all their works.

After graduating from the University of Chicago with a degree in Economics, Anna spent eight years on Wall Street analyzing stocks and writing research reports. In 2013, she became a full-time author, pursuing her lifelong dream of writing romance novels.

Dima Zales is the love of her life and a huge inspiration in all aspects of her writing. Every book Anna writes is a product of their unique collaborative process.

In addition to reading and writing, Anna enjoys drinking tea (coconut oolong, anyone?), watching addictive TV shows, and discussing book ideas during long walks with her amazing husband.

She loves hearing from her readers, so please don’t hesitate to contact her through her website or connect with her on Facebook, where she hangs out way too often. Also, please visit her husband and collaborator, Dima Zales, at www.dimazales.com and check out their fantasy & science fiction books.


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{Release Day Blitz & Giveaway} SPIKE (Spark, #1) by Jennifer Ryder

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Title: Spike (Spark, #2)

Author: Jennifer Ryder

Release Date: May 28, 2014

Series: Spark




I, Aidan Stone, got the girl.

My beautiful Eevie is sweet and sassy, and she owns my heart like no other. I promised her, I’d always protect her, and I meant it, but shit just got serious.

Blackmail. Extortion. And Eevie is the target.

Sometimes the past comes back to haunt us. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try to distance yourself from it, it comes back and bites you on the arse. And in walks Mr Hotshot Detective, Ryan Clark, thinkin’ he can save the day and take my girl.

Well, I’ve got news for him


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Spark (Spark, #1)


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Today, I feel like a king with a convincing win under my belt, and the beauty on my arm is the envy of most of the guys here. Life can’t get any better.

I introduce Eevie around. She shakes hands like she means it, holds her own in conversation, and gets the occasional laugh out of guys I didn’t think had a sense of humour. She must’ve been taking note of some of the ins and outs of motocross, having the balls to ask some interesting questions.

Take note, people: funny, intelligent woman with the guts and looks to match. That confidence is heartbreak material. They’re practically drooling over her. It’s almost pathetic. If they thought they had half a chance, they’d be down on their knees in a millisecond begging for a shot.

Boys, it ain’t gonna happen. Every delectable inch of her is mine, including her heart.

Talking with some of the support crew, Jones edges his way into the conversation, standing a little close to Eevie for my liking. He puffs out his chest, and hooks his thumbs through the front loops of his jeans. Blonde hair and a baby face, he’s a pretty boy. A mummy’s boy. From the way he carries on, he probably got everything he ever wanted as a kid, and had all the latest gear. Mum could barely afford to buy my jerseys, and when she did, I wore them until I outgrew them. I had no choice but to make them last. Last round Jones threw a tantrum like a three year old over something stupid. He got what he wanted, though. Disgusting. Not that I give a shit where he’s come from; at least I know I don’t carry on like a fucking twit.

My eyes are on Jones, and he knows it. Damn it, if he doesn’t like pushing my buttons, and having Eevie here he’s gonna do anything he can to push. If he weren’t on my team I’d barely give him the time of day. He’d be half an alright bloke if he wasn’t so self-absorbed.

He acts like he’s engrossed in what Eevie’s talking about, but his eyes travel down her chest, and even lower, as if he’s trying to rip her clothes off purely with the power of his mind. It heats my blood more than it should.

“When you’re ready for a real man, Eevie, come knockin’ on my door,” Jones says. His eyes dart in my direction before resting back on Eevie’s tits. Fucking douchebag.

Eevie frowns, and purses her glossy lips. “Sorry, I don’t understand. If I’m ready for a real man, why would I knock on your door? Wouldn’t I just go home?” She bats those long lashes. That’s my girl.

Everybody erupts into a fit of laughter, me louder than most. Jones shakes his head, and playfully punches me in the arm. “You’re killin’ me, Aidan. You win today, and I hate you for it, and now your woman’s gonna break my heart,” he says, faking a southern American accent. He clutches his chest as if wounded, and winks at Eevie.

I take a long swig of my beer. “Life’s a bitch, Jones.” Now fuck off.


About the Author


New Adult and erotic romance writer, and author of the Spark series. The second book in the five part series, Spike, is to be released on 28 May 2014.

A sexy imagination, a life-long love of books and a sucker for romance, Jennifer Ryder couldn’t stifle her creativity any longer.

Writing steamy adult romance has become her new focus. Living on a rural property in New South Wales, Australia, she enjoys the best of city and country.

Her loving husband is ever willing to provide inspiration, and her two young cherubs, and sheep that don’t see fences as barriers, keep life more than interesting.

Jennifer placed third in the International Stringybark Erotic Short Fiction Award 2013.


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{Release Blitz & Giveaway} Blurred Lines by Jennifer K. Brand

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Title: Blurred Lines

Author: Jennifer K. Brand

Release Date: May 28, 2014

A stand alone novel




The moment I met Davide Valenti, I wanted him.

He was alluring in the kind of way that makes good girls like me want to break all the rules.

So I did. I broke my rules for him, and in turn, he gave me what I craved.

Hearts and Flowers.

Yet I wanted more. I wanted to know him, claim him the same way he had claimed me. But you can’t claim that which doesn’t exist. A mirage. A man who showed me one face while showing the world another. A complicated man. A dangerous man.

Now I’m caught up in his world. Trapped under all that is dark and dangerous. From hearts and flowers to guns and knives.

I want out. But I fear it’s too late.





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About the Author


Jennifer K. Brand writes erotic romances with witty curves and dangerous edges. She loves travelling and therefore her stories are set in exotic locales or have exotic male leads. Her stories are those with an element of intrigue or suspense, but wrapped in hot steamy romance.

Her favorite kind of hero is possessive with a dangerous edge, but has a sweet heart beneath it all. Her heroines are strong and witty and can’t wait to tame their men. She loves Gin and Tonics, Spain, Monopoly and kittens 🙂 Look out for her new book Blurred Lines, releasing May 28th!

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Love, Laughter, & Happily Ever Afters

Eight Fun, Romantic Novels by Eight Bestselling Authors


Just in time for summer! An all-star collaboration by some of today’s most popular bestselling romance authors. From the funny and sweet to the steamy and heartfelt, this collection has eight full-length FUN, romantic love stories hand-picked to bring a smile to your face while you’re lounging out in the sun this summer. This limited edition boxed set will only be available until July so get yours today!

Total length is 1,800 pages and at just **$0.99** for eight novels, that’s a $27 savings!


Collection Includes

ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAE — by USA Today Bestselling Author Marilyn Brant

FINDING THE RIGHT GIRL — by NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Violet Duke

SWEET TO YOU — by iBooks and Barnes & Noble Bestselling Author Jessie Evans

UNAFRAID — by USA Today Bestselling Author Melody Grace

LOVE LOVE — by Amazon Bestselling Author Beth Michele

TEMPTING LOVE — by Amazon Bestselling Author Melanie Shawn

NOT OVER YOU — by NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Marquita Valentine

And in her much-anticipated indie debut, Samhain bestselling author Erin Nicholas with the never-before-published novel, GETTING OUT OF HAND.




ON ANY GIVEN SUNDAE by USA Today Bestselling Author Marilyn Brant

A shy dessert cookbook writer reconnects with her longtime crush–an ex-football star turned businessman–when they run an ice cream shop together.


FINDING THE RIGHT GIRL by NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Violet Duke

Tessa Daniels has no idea why she told her friend’s brother she was a fling expert. She’s never been flung before and she sure as heck doesn’t know where or how to begin flinging a guy like Brian Sullivan. The man’s got as many demons and skeletons in the closet as she does; and worse, he’s got her thinking of the one thing she stopped letting herself hope for years ago. A happily-ever-after.


SWEET TO YOU by iTunes & Barnes and Noble Bestselling Author Jessie Evans

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire… When s’mores and whiskey shots lead to skinny-dipping at a singles’ camping retreat, Maddie Whitehouse knows she won’t be able to resist another steamy encounter with the sexy firefighter her childhood friend, Jamison, has become…even if he is off limits.


UNAFRAID by USA Today Bestselling Author Melody Grace

Brittany Ray’s learned the hard way that some dreams aren’t meant for girls like her. Handsome, charming Hunter Covington is one of those dreams. Years ago, they shared one life-changing night together, but Brit walked away before he could break her heart. Now Hunter’s back in Beachwood Bay, their reckless passion can’t be ignored. But will dark secrets tear apart their new beginning?


LOVE LOVE by Amazon Bestselling Author Beth Michele

Gabby is running from a past that she can’t seem to escape. But what happens when she discovers something unexpected along the way that may just lead her from the shadows? Maybe something magical. What happens when love finds her but her heart has gone into hiding?


GETTING OUT OF HAND, the brand new novel by Samhain Bestselling Author Erin Nicholas

Genius scientist Mason Riley can cure world hunger, impress the media and piss off the Vice President of the United States all before breakfast. But he’s not sure he can get through his high school class reunion. Then he meets the new girl in town. Adrianne Scott loves the sleepy little town of Sapphire Falls—the perfect place to open her candy shop and live a quiet, drama-free life. Until Mason Riley bids four hundred dollars just to dance with her.


TEMPTING LOVE by Amazon Bestselling Author Melanie Shawn

Haley Sloan knew exactly what she wanted out of life. With her designer lingerie business booming, her career was moving forward, but her heart stayed in the same place it had for four years…hopelessly in love with the single father across the street. Former wild boy turned responsible adoring father Eddie Thomas selflessly sacrificed his wants and needs for that of his little girl, meaning he sacrificed his want and need for Haley. Will Haley finally be able to break through to the heart of the man who has had hers prisoner for years?


NOT OVER YOU by NY Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Marquita Valentine

Summer Holland is set on one thing–convincing her childhood sweetheart *and* local preacher’s son, Gabriel Edwards, to marry her so she can get back the daughter she gave up for adoption. She’s always been able to count on him rescuing her when she needed it most, but this time is different… there’s a new woman in Gabriel’s life. Only, Summer’s not going to let that get in her way.




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