A Secret To Keep by Railyn Stone | Book Review

secrets is a horrible way to live. Sloane Davis should know.
kept her son a secret from his father for almost a year.
her worst nightmare is coming true. Her ex is re-entering her professional life
in the midst of the biggest project of her career. She’s about to come face to
face with the only man she’s ever loved – her son’s father.
McCall is a brash man. He hasn’t always been this way, but when Sloane walked
out on him, something inside him broke. When his company’s newest acquisition
brings the two of them together once more, little does he know seeing her will
bring back a flood of memories, feelings, and an unexpected surprise.
Purchace your copy here: 

Barnes&Noble Pre-Order Link: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-secret-to-keep-railyn-stone/1121917126?ean=2940151590198

Railyn Stone hails from the Tar Heel State and is a romantic at heart.
She believes you can find romance in the simplest aspects of life and enjoys
letting her imagination run wild. Trying new restaurants, listening to music,
playing golf and writing over the top stories about ordinary people are the hobbies
she cherishes most.
Links for social media
Twitter: @railynwrites
Facebook Author Page: www.facebook.com/railynst
 3 stars

I love reading stories that involves unexpected pregnancies where the father has no knowledge about the child and discovers it in the middle of the story. To me, these kind of tale shows how a mother could fight, thrive, and do the right thing to provide for her child. The love of a mother is extraordinary! Sloane Davis shows her devotion to Brayden (her child with Gates). The relationship between Sloane and Gates is chaotic at first, what with Sloane leaving Gates for no apparent reason. Although, his love for her is real, the thought of being abandoned by the woman he only loves and values is too much to bear that he often expresses his anger instead of his undying love for her. Thus, having Sloane second guess in confessing her secret to him thinking that it would only cause more problems than resolution.

There were moments in the book that made me feel tearful. Felt palpitations as I read Sloane and Gate’s point of view, albeit written in third person the amount of information, emotions are just too real! Sloane’s friend are all wonderful characters! They are her voice of reason and pillar of strength when she’s about to give up.

Overall, it was a good story. However, some dialogue were reiterated a few times. It would be a lot more exciting if those repetitive conversation between characters are focused on character development, resolution of some conflict, or expanding minor characters.

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